Our Mission
The Canadian Landowner Alliance advocates for provincial legislation that recognizes property rights, and, that the Federal Government of Canada enshrines property rights in the Charter of Rights and freedoms.
- No warrantless entry onto private property without (i) the informed consent of the owner, or (ii) the existence of exigent circumstances (immediate threat to health/safety and, to delay to obtain a warrant would be dangerous).
- Timely notice given to property owners about impending restrictions/designations to their property.
- Restrictions/designations applied only with (i) informed consent of the landowner, or (ii) after the need is demonstrated in an actual court.
- Court costs of the landowner borne by the agency applying for the restriction/designation.
- In the event that the restriction/designation is applied, full and timely compensation (including loss of future income and property devaluation)to be determined by a panel of peers.
- This legislation over-rides all other provincial legislation.